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Writer's Notes - By Jeanne Dininni

WritersNotes.Net: Helping Writers Follow Their Dreams Through Information, Inspiration, and Encouragement!

A Friend In Need

When my blogging buddy, Michele Tune, learned of my family's battle with sickness, which prevented me from posting as often as usual, she did a very gracious thing: She wrote and sent me a guest post to help fill in the gap and take some of the pressure off me. (Now I know why I gave her the "Blogging Gem Award" recently: because she truly is one gem of a blogger!)

Now, on to Michele's post!

That’s What Writers Bloggers Are For
By Michele L. Tune

Since I've joined the online writing community, I've noticed how gracious other writers bloggers are. Offering up compliments, advice, tips, sharing markets, lessons for better writing... The list goes on. It's amazing how warm, caring, and kind the writing world is. I've grown to love it beyond words, as well as each of the amazing writers I come into contact with daily, including Jeanne! It's so encouraging to know there are other writers out there who understand what it's like to stay up all night writing, to write while being sick, or how it feels to have the writing career mocked like it's nothing more than lounging on a couch wearing jammies, sipping a latte, and playing on a laptop. It's just nice to belong, isn't it?

That's why when I read Jeanne's recent post, my heart melted. I sympathized with her illnesses and those of her family members, as I've struggled through many health issues, surgeries, and trials of illness myself. I have the special gift of also being able to empathize. I can feel other people's pain. My heart literally hurts for them. I think that's why when I write, I write with such emotion. I not only share my own heart, giving my readers a peek into my very soul, but envision the aching hearts of my readers and aspire to touch their hearts, stir their emotions, and make their day better. It's why I created my motto: Inspiring readers one word at a time...

Jeanne's "Please Bear With Me!" plea really got my attention. Bear with her? Why not help her? Why not use my talent with words to write a guest post and take a little pressure off? It's bad enough she has to tend to sick family members while not feeling well herself, meet clients' deadlines, and be superwoman overall, why should she have to worry about pleasing Writer's Notes readers with fresh and unique posts every day all on her own? That's where I come in.

So, do you want to know how to step up your writing game? I decided to share a few techniques I use as I write the cyber highway.

1. Be open. Let your readers in. Search deep inside your heart, sweep the cobwebs of your soul, and expose the real you. Your readers will feel comfortable knowing you’re genuine, that you care enough to write what’s hardest to write, and they’ll come begging for more.

2. Keep your eyes open. Just like this guest post, I saw an opportunity to help a writer friend while at the same time write for a new readership. It never hurts to guest post. I’ve made up my mind to do more of it this year. If you see a window of opportunity, crawl through! The person on the other end may very well love your idea and who knows where that will lead?

3. Get organized. I mention this often on my blog. If you know where you’ve sent your queries and submissions and when you sent them, you’ll be able to focus on actually writing instead of wondering. Make copies of your checks or print out PayPal invoices when you’re paid and staple them to your acceptance letters and contracts. Keep them in a file and update that file or make a new one each year. It’s refreshing, and inspiring, to be neat and be able to find things. It leaves more time for creativity and writing!

4. Listen. Eavesdrop. Pay attention! Some writers take a notebook and pen with them while they’re out and about, even jotting down snippets of conversation they overhear. That dialogue may set your fictional piece or novel on fire!

5. Care. Care about your writing, yourself, your readers, your work. Write from your heart, write often, write to engage your readers and bring them to the edge of their chairs. Don’t just rush off the first thing you write. Let it sit. Clear your mind for a day or so. Then go back with a fresh eye. Be willing to cut words or entire sentences or paragraphs to polish your piece and make it the best it can be.

I hope these five tips help you. Never think that you have no room to improve. Don’t feel like you have nothing left to learn. Writers evolve, change, and grow. We get better with time and practice, by studying and writing more.

And the next time you see a blogger friend struggling, help. Because that’s what bloggers are for!

Michele L. Tune is a Freelance Writer and Blogger. Find her at or her blog, Writing the Cyber Highway

Kindest Regards,
Michele L. Tune

Inspiring readers one word at a time...

Freelance Writer & Blogger

Writing the Cyber Highway: a blog

ADDED NOTE: Michele has written an excellent blog review of the Writer's Round-About blog as an entry to Rebecca Lafarr-Smith's exciting contest. She has the opportunity to win $100 worth of books from So, why not stop by, read her entry, Cyber Contest: Win Prizes from Amazon!, and give her your support by voting for it via Rebecca's You Decide The Winner! post. (You'll be able to read the other contest entries, as well, by using the links in Rebecca's post.)

Michele got my vote--not merely because she's a great person (though she certainly is that)--but because her post is excellently written and is also the only entry that followed every one of the contest rules--and then some! Also, if you'd like to Stumble her post, feel free to stop back by Writer's Notes and use the link. Check out her great post! The contest ends Saturday, February 16th. So, if you haven't voted yet, please vote before then! Thanks! (If you're reading this post after that date, visit her blog anyway! It's fantastic!)

Did you enjoy this post? Why not let Michele know it! Have any thoughts or experiences to share? Michele would just love to hear from you!


Blog Birthday Neon Sign - Writer's Notes

Happy First Birthday to Writer's Notes!

Writer's Notes is one year old today, and what a great year it's been! I've learned so much and made so many wonderful blogging friends! I have to say it's been a blast! Thanks so much, everyone, for making my first year of blogging so much fun!

Some Gifts for My Friends

I know, I know, it's my blog birthday--but I still want to give away a few gifts to show my blogging friends how much I appreciate each one of you! Call them "party favors" if you like, but here are a few gifts I'd like to present to my friends and fellow bloggers. (These gifts and recipients are in no particular order.)

Blogging Gem Award

This award is for the female bloggers who have had the most impact on me during my first year of blogging. Please feel free to take this gift home to your blog, ladies--and thanks for being such great friends and shining--or glittering--examples to me!

Blogging Gem Award

This award is proudly given to the following (rockin') girl bloggers:

Liz Strauss, at Successful Blog

Joanna Young, at Confident Writing

Michele Tune, at Writing the Cyber Highway

Sharon Hurley Hall, at Get Paid to Write Online

Laura Spencer, at Writing Thoughts

Amy Derby, at Write-from-Home Blog

Krissy Knox, at Sometimes I Think

Lis Garrett, at Woolgatherings

Cindy Nichols, at Kaleidoscope

Yvonne Russell, at Grow Your Writing Business

Lillie Ammann, at A Writer's Words, An Editor's Eye

Danielle, The Bipolar Diaries

Robyn McMaster, at Brain Based Biz

You, rock, ladies!

Star Blogger Award

This award is for the (rockin') guy bloggers I know, who have had a profound effect on me and my blogging over the past year. You'll always be stars, to me, fellas! I'd be honored if you'd take this one home to your blog--even if you only display it inside a post!

Star Blogger Neon Sign

These are the guy bloggers to whom I proudly present this gift:

Brad Shorr, at WordSell, Inc.

Dan, at dcrBlogs

Robert Hruzek, at Middle Zone Musings

K-IntheHouse, at ShanKri-la

Vernon, at The Idea Dude

You're the best, guys!

Comment Star Award

This gift is for the people who have faithfully commented here at Writer's Notes on a regular basis, helping me not to feel as if I'm talking to myself! Thanks, everyone! You are what this blog is all about! (You might notice that some people from the above lists are here, too. That's because many of the people in the above two categories deserve this award, too! Just couldn't resist giving it to them, as well!)

Comment Star Award

These are the bloggers that I'm happily inducting into my Comment Star Walk of Fame:

Raven, at Alaska Chronicle

AmyHuang, at Travel String

Lynn Smythe, at Freelance Online Work

Michele Tune, at Writing the Cyber Highway

Laura Spencer, at Writing Thoughts

Cindy Nichols, at Kaleidoscope

Lillie Ammann, at A Writer's Words, An Editor's Eye

Brad Shorr, at WordSell, Inc.

Lis Garrett, at Woolgatherings

Thanks for all your friendly and insightful comments that help keep the conversation vital here are Writer's Notes!

Writer's Notes Friend Award

This gift is for everyone else who visits Writer's Notes on a regular basis to read what I have to say here. You may not comment extremely often--and some of you maybe not at all--but you keep coming back! Perhaps you take some of my ideas back to your own blog, or maybe elsewhere into the blogosphere. But, even if you don't, I appreciate you! You are such an important part of this blog! Thanks for being you and visiting me!

Writer's Notes Friend Badge

Honorable Mentions

Here are a few people I want to specifically give the Writer's Notes Friend Award to because they do comment whenever they can:

Tracy, at Movies and Life

Mark Antony, at Hotel Mark

Howard, at Real Crash

Kerith Collins, at Freelancing, My Road Less Traveled

Thanks, guys! I appreciate it! (Of course, all the people who received the above awards also deserve the Writer's Notes Friend Award, too!)

Thanks, Everyone for a Fantastic First Year!

Many, many thanks to everyone, for making my first year of blogging such a special period of my life by being such an important part of the Writer's Notes community and welcoming me into your own blogs' communities with open arms! I'm looking forward to another great year of blogging with all my friends!

Love you all!

P.S. Hope everyone's enjoyed the party as much as I have! Thanks for joining in on the festivities! And please don't forget to take your awards--er, party favors--home when you leave. Thanks for a great blog birthday!


Moderated by Jeanne Dininni
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